Monday, 21 November 2011

May 18th 2010 Priscilla's Tribute

Gerry : Pearlz' tribute to Dominic and me

The death of a loved one is always cause for mourning. However, when a baby dies, there is a sadness that goes beyond normal grief because as humans we are programmed to expect that the young outlive the old. when a person who has lived a full life passes away, there is a sense that everything is as it should be. When a baby passes away, when he has not even had the chance to experience life, his death seems meaningless and cruel to the ones that loved him. The recent loss of Dominic, who has left us way too early, is certainly in the category of those hard losses for which there is a constant, painful reminder of what might have been. For this I ask God's blessing to everyone who was touched by Dominic so that we may find the courage and strength to move forward in peace and confidence and in knowing that his life was well lived and with a purpose.


Words from Dominic to Daddy:

- The bond that you created with Dominic cannot be broken... You WILL meet again.
- Dominic will be the gentle breeze that brushes your face, the sun will be his smile and the rain will be him washing away your pain.
- Believe that when you say his name, he is standing next to you; when you are sleeping, he is laying next to you, stroking your hair, kissing your cheek and whispering in your ear "Daddy, please don't be sad today. I'm your baby and I'm here and I love you."

Closing poem:

Don't think of me as gone away -
my journey's just begun;
life holds so many facets -
the earth is only one.

Just think of me as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.

Think how I must be wishing
that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.

And think of me as living
in the hearts of those I touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost -
And I was loved so much...

My dad is a survivor too...
which is no surprise to me.
He's always been like a lighthouse
that helps you cross a stormy sea.

But, I walk with my dad each day
to lift him when he's down.
I wipe the tears he hides from others.
He cries when no one's around.

I watch him sit up late at night,
with my picture in his hand.
He cries as he tries to grieve alone,
and wishes he could understand.

My dad is like a tower of strength.
He's the greatest of them all!
But there's times when he needs to cry...
Please be there when he falls.

Hold his hand or pat his shoulder...
and tell him it's okay.
Be his strength when he's sad,
help him mourn in his own way.

Now, as I watch over my precious dad
from the heaven's up above...
I'm so proud that he's a survivor...
and I can still feel his love!

Priscilla : I am so glad you put this up Gerry..although i cant read thru it right now.. you are so strong to be able to type this up.. I love you.. and I miss Dominic :(

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