Thursday, 1 December 2011

August 10, 2011

Elizabeth : Hey, I recently started a thread in a fertility (or lack of it) forum, it was called the Worst Comment Award & had a bit of a "vent here" theme (you know how people say the dumbest things in an effort to console you) and I got an interesting reply that I thought I would share.

It was from a woman who, after miscarriages and years of unsuccessful treatment and failed IVF - nearly $10 000 a cycle - she finally conceived...

She miscarried last week at 3wks...
Family & friends weren't as supportive as you would hope.
Worst Comment Award went to Mum & this woman's twin brother which included "At least you know you can get pregnany now" and "If it wasn't for the IVF you wouldn't have even known that you were pregnant" (because it was so early...wth is wrong with some people? Grrr...)

Then she had a comment from a stranger that took her by surprise, it may or may not fall into the Worst Comment Award category but I found it a comforting thought.

He said to her...

"It's not the body that matters, it's the soul...Maybe something wasn't quite right, maybe something with you wasn't *just* perfect, maybe he didn't like his nose...

It's just a matter of finding the right vessel at the right time...he'll come when he's ready..." honest...does the Worst Comment Award go to me today or is that a nice thought?

Oh god, I am SO gunna win this Award, aren't I?! Sorry!

Gerry : Can you pls send me a link to that forum?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I never said this earlier but don't you dare think you got that award Liz... As a matter of fact, what that stranger said was by far one of the nicest responses to a parent in her situation I've ever heard...
    So thank you hun... always enjoy your quotes and thoughts.
